Clash of Clans

Poison Spell
Give your army the upper hand against enemy troops with this deadly poison! Defending units that linger in a Poison Spell's toxic cloud will move slower, attack slower and take damage with increasing severity over time. Poison Spells do not affect structures.

Basic Information:
Radius: 4 tiles
Damage Type: Area Splash
Targets: Ground & Air
Housing Space: 1
Brewing Time: 3 minutes

Poison Spell

Level Maximum Damage
per Second
Speed Decrease Attack Rate Decrease Cost
(dark elixer)
Research Cost
(dark elixer)
Research Time Laboratory Level Required
1 90 26% 35% 95 N/A N/A N/A
2 115 30% 40% 110 25,000 4 days 6
3 145 34% 45% 125 50,000 6 days 7
4 180 36% 50% 140 75,000 10 days 8
5 220 40% 55% 155 150,000 12 days 9


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