Clash of Clans

Haste Spell
Put some hustle in even your heaviest units! Haste Spells lack the damage boost of Rage Spells, but provide an even better boost to movement speed. A lower storage space also allows you to take more of them into battle!

Basic Information:
Radius: 4 tiles
Effect Type: Area Splash
Targets: Ground & Air
Housing Space: 1
Brewing Time: 3 minutes

Haste Spell

Level Speed Increase Spell Duration Cost
(dark elixer)
Research Cost
(dark elixer)
Research Time Laboratory Level Required
1 28 10 seconds 80 N/A N/A N/A
2 34 15 seconds 85 40,000 8 days 7
3 40 20 seconds 90 80,000 10 days 8
4 46 25 seconds 95 100,000 14 days 8


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