Clash of Clans

Earthquake Spell
Weaken Walls and buildings with crippling earthquakes! Earthquake Spells damage structures based on their maximum hitpoints. Repeated Earthquakes deal decreasing damage to the same buildings, but increasing damage to the same Walls. No wall can withstand the might of four Earthquake Spells!

Basic Information:
Radius: 4 tiles
Damage Type: Area Splash
Targets: Buildings & Walls
Favorite Target: Walls
Housing Space: 1
Brewing Time: 3 minutes

Earthquake Spell

Level Damage Cost
(dark elixer)
Research Cost
(dark elixer)
Research Time Laboratory Level Required
1 14.5% 125 N/A N/A N/A
2 17% 140 30,000 6 days 6
3 21% 160 60,000 8 days 7
4 25% 180 90,000 12 days 8


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